Into the Darkness Page 3
“Thank you...?” I searched her face, waiting for an answer
Her eyes lit up. “Brandy,” she answered, batting her eyelashes.
Brandy and I sat at a table and started talking. She told me she was a flight attendant from Alaska and continued to talk but all I could think about was the hair… The long brown hair which flowed down her back, I ached to touch it, remembering how it felt running my fingers through it. Fuck no, don’t reminisce. Brandy smelled fantastic, like sex. Probably wasn’t wearing anything underneath. Such a dirty little whore.
“So tell me, Lex, what do you do?”
I broke out of my thoughts and quickly answered her question. This chick was really starting to bore me. I offered her another drink which she gladly accepted before inviting me to her room. I don’t remember much, only that she was loud and wanted me to pull her hair harder. I didn’t do brunettes but tonight I let my guard down. I fucked her twice before collapsing on the bed.
The plane arrived at London on time. My driver was waiting for me at the gate, as usual. I decided to go straight to the office, knowing I had a busy day ahead of me. It didn’t come as a surprise when we drove out of Heathrow to see that the skies were grey, the clouds forming in a cluster. It was summer and you would think that after five years living in London I would be used to this, but I still missed the constant sunshine back home.
Our office was on the top floor and had a fantastic view of the Thames River. I was proud of what I had built; I spent years pushing myself to build my empire, dedicating my life to my work and goddamn, it paid off. I knew what my net worth was, and so did everyone else after that Times Magazine interview. I never regretted the path I took. I knew that becoming a doctor was my father’s dream, not mine. That’s not to say I didn’t respect him; I had never met a man as driven as my father. His dedication and compassion astounded me. Our fallout years ago after I decided to quit the medical field and focus on building my empire was like a kick in the guts. Neither of us would back down. My mother was devastated, trying her best to repair our relationship. It took the passing of my grandfather for us to start talking to each other again, though our relationship still remained strained, something I preferred to ignore. I was his son, the big fat failure, even if Bill Gates would argue that in a heartbeat.
I entered the lobby to see the staff nervously shuffle around me. It fucking pissed me off every time; they better not have been slacking off. I reminded myself to contact human resources and have performance reviews done. These twenty-something girls thought they had it all figured out—gossiping during work on my time was not acceptable. Fuck, I was getting more annoyed by the minute. Slamming the door behind me, I walked to my desk and pressed the speed dial button to reception.
“Gretchen, get Kate in my office now.”
“Yes, sir,” she answered.
I sat at my desk and started checking my emails: same old bullshit. Honestly, did some fuckers need me to hold their hand for everything? I may have been the CEO but fuck me, bend over and I’ll wipe your ass too! I didn’t get to the top by playing on the safe side; I made decisions and whether or not they were right at the time, they paid off. The stress of this upcoming merger was really starting to irritate me. I wasn’t a patient person, those around me knew that, years of planning and I was itching to close the deal and move forward. Trying to take my mind off it as I waited for Kate, I checked to see how our shares were holding up.
“Good morning, Mr. Edwards.”
Kate walked into my office, sat herself down and opened up her laptop. She started reading her calendar and began reeling off my schedule.
“You have a three o’clock conference call with The Windsor Group regarding the merger, and your flight to New York leaves tomorrow morning at six. I will accompany you on this flight and your stay in New York will be till next Monday. During this time you have meetings scheduled with the After Dark investors.” She continued to scroll through her schedule and typed as she spoke. “I have made an appointment with a commercial realtor to look at potential office locations.”
“Oh right, the New York office.” I sighed.
It wasn’t my idea to have an office there but my investors were pushing to dominate the U.S. market and that meant opening up in New York. It was the last thing I wanted to do. London was my home now and the thought of being an hour away from my sister irritated me. I loved her to death, don’t get me wrong, she was just…well, just Adriana.
“Your sister called to remind you that since you will be in New York next week, you have to attend that charity event.”
Do you see what I mean? Adriana was like an annoying five-year-old in a toy store when it came to charity events. This would not be the last time I heard about it. I expected a call shortly telling me what to wear, who I was bringing and how much I needed to donate. Fuck, this day was going downhill fast.
“Is that all?” I asked, annoyed with all this social bullshit.
“Yes, sir.”
“It’s going to be busy. Please book the Waldorf penthouse suite for me.” I glanced up from my screen. “That is all, you may leave now.”
She scurried out the door. I admired Kate for putting up with my bullshit. I originally hired her as an office junior, however I was quick to notice she didn’t run for the hills like every other pathetic little thing here. She was twenty-four, originally from Manchester. At first I struggled with her accent and her euphemisms but after living in London for the past five years, I finally got the hang of it all. My mother complained that my accent had changed and my sister complained that I called her a twat too often.
It only took a few minutes before my blackberry started ringing. I grabbed the phone, debating whether or not I should answer. I placed it against my forehead, willing it to stop.
“Adriana,” I answered in a stiff tone.
“Oh my God, Lex, finally!” She didn’t stop to take a breath; Adriana was like an energizer bunny on Prozac. “I know you got my messages regarding the charity ball. Don’t you dare hang up on me, Alexander Matthew Edwards! I’ve only got a few minutes to talk.”
A few minutes to talk, bollocks! Adriana could talk the hind legs off a donkey over the most mundane topic, a serious case of verbal diarrhea.
“I have already RSVP’d your name on the guest list and I have a date for you; don’t worry she is blonde just like you like them. Her name is Brooke and I know you’ll love her. So I’ve ordered you a tux. I’ll meet you wherever you are staying to drop it off. Oh, and the donation, we need to discuss that,” she added quickly.
“I can find my own dates, you know.”
“I know, dear brother, but Brooke is lovely and it’s been a while since you settled down,” she said, her voice lowered.
“You know I don’t do ‘lovely.’ She better be a fit bird.”
“A fit bird? What the hell does that mean? If by bird you mean because of the breasts you are such a jerkoff Lex, however yes, she is a fit bird. I’ve gotta go but I’ll get Kate to give me the details of the hotel. Love you.”
Our flight to New York was scheduled to leave at six. It was the standard five-hour flight; thank God for business class. I met Kate at the gate area, dressed in tight jeans, tanned knee-high boots and a white button-up shirt. I don’t think I had ever seen this casual side of her. Not bad in the looks department, not that I would ever go there. Golden rule number one: never shit on your own doorstep.
“Good morning, Mr. Edwards.” She half smiled.
“Good morning, Kate. Are you ready to board?”
She nodded, then we grabbed our bags and boarded the plane.
I adjusted myself into my seat and grabbed the New York Times to read. Kate was busily typing on her blackberry, smiling while she answered a text—boyfriend I bet, women were so easy to read. Trying my best to ignore her, I busied myself by reading an article on tax evasion in the U.S.
The flight took off at exactly six. The seatbelt sign
s went off and the stewardess started serving drinks. “Good morning, sir. Would you like anything to drink?” She licked her lips as she waited for my response. A redhead, interesting.
“Bourbon and coke, please.”
I suddenly wondered what it’d be like to join the mile high club. I might need directions to the restroom later, miss…I searched for her name tag…Miss Horne.
“And for your girlfriend?” she asked.
Kate burst out laughing. I stared at her, waiting for her to stop. Why was that so funny? I was a fucking catch. I knew I was good looking, call me conceited if you want, but I was six foot, worked out at the gym every fucking day, plus I was filthy rich. Women threw themselves at me. It annoyed me that she didn’t think I was good enough.
“I’m sorry,” she said, wiping a tear from her eye. “Just a gin and tonic, please.”
Gritting my teeth, I asked, “Why is that so funny?”
“It’s just that, well Mr. Edwards, you aren’t the relationship type. Far from it.” She stopped laughing and gave me an almost worried look.
“I guess you’re right, I don’t do girlfriends or relationships.” I sighed, knowing all too well why I didn’t. Thank God the bourbon was filled to the brim; drinking it all in one gulp helped to erase the memory. I pressed the attendance button, needing a topoff immediately.
“And you? I’m guessing you do, hence why your eyes light up every time your cell goes off?”
“Sorry, Mr. Edwards. That’s my boyfriend, Jeff. He’s in Australia visiting his parents and the time difference is driving us crazy.”
We talked more about how long they had been together and how they met. I never realized Kate was so interesting to talk to. Speaking to women apart from my mother and sister wasn’t something I did very often and those were all trying experiences. Kate knew what she wanted in life; I admired that. We stopped talking but I was left feeling somewhat bothered by the conversation about relationships. While Kate slept beside me, I stood up and stretched my arms, making my way to the restroom, passing Miss Horne on purpose. After a quick glance, she followed me to lavatory at the back of the plane, closing the door behind her. Then I pushed her head down to my cock.
We arrived in New York at six o’clock eastern time. The driver took us straight to the hotel where I changed into my sweats to go for a run. I loved the city in the morning; the streets were getting busy but there was still an eerie sense of calm. I ran through Central Park, alongside others trying to get in a quick morning run. I needed to burn off this energy. The past few days had been draining and all I wanted to do was put it behind me. I ran harder, pushing myself till my lungs burned. I debated heading back to my room but decided on hitting the gym first. It was just before nine when I got back. Taking my time, I had a long steaming shower followed by breakfast, then headed downtown to meet with the commercial realtor.
The first office space was a small building, views mainly facing a brick wall with a neon sign for Chows Chinese Takeout. Seriously, did I have to do the job myself? Frustrated with my time being wasted, I glanced at my watch to check the time.
“Mrs. Hampden, I am not sure what my assistant has told you, but the Lexed Group does not have offices facing brick walls. Do I need to find another agent?”
Looking flustered and embarrassed, she pulled out her portfolio. What the fuck was she thinking? This is what happens when some geriatric has-been is still working when they should be retired living in Boca. Pulling out my blackberry, I was ready to blast the person who recommended her to me.
“Mr. Edwards, I apologize for the communication error. I do have one that I think will be more suited to your business.”
We took a cab to the other building. The outside was perfect. The building was newish and had a real buzz to it. My eyes scanned the office: it was fully furnished and the reception area was formal with black leather lounges. I followed her around the floor before walking through the double doors to what would be my office. The view was amazing as I stood at the window staring out at Central Park. I called Kate right away, knowing that office spaces like this in New York were hard to come by.
“Kate, please have the lawyers draw up the contracts for this new office,” I commanded. “Human resources can start recruiting for the jobs we discussed last week. I’ll forward you a list of everything else I want taken care of by Monday morning.”
I left the building, finally relieved that we found a space that represented the Lexed name. It was lunchtime now and the streets were busy. People around me were piling into restaurants, others darting in and out of boutiques. I found the restaurant where my sister and mother were meeting me for a quick lunch—at least that’s what I anticipated, but of course women could talk for days without taking a breath. Seriously, did they ever shut the fuck up?
My mother was the first to greet me, reaching up to place a kiss on my cheek then rubbing her fingers across it to wipe off the lipstick she left behind. “Here’s my boy. Why haven’t you returned my calls, Lex? I know you’re busy, but not hearing from you weeks on end worries me.”
“C’mon, Mom. You know what it’s like.”
“No I don’t, Lex. I understand you’re busy running an empire and all, but a quick call, text or even an email wouldn’t kill you. Better yet, send me a friend request...”
Thank God, for once my sister’s timing was perfect. Practically running over to the table, she kissed my mother then whacked the back of my head.
“What the fuck, Adriana?”
“Oh hello, big brother of mine.” She laughed while taking a seat.
Adriana was five years younger. My parents would tell me that when I was four I begged Santa to bring me a brother or sister. Unfortunately, Santa delivered a year later.
Some said she looked like me. I couldn’t see the resemblance apart from our eyes. She had light brown hair like mine but today she was blonde. I couldn’t keep up with her ever-changing hairstyles. Typical woman of course.
“So Elijah and I have set a date: it’s February fourteenth, the day we officially started dating.”
“Oh honey, I’m so happy for you. Aren’t you, Lex?”
I looked over at my mother, her face willing me to say something pleasant. What possible thing could I say about a fucking Valentine’s Day wedding? The holiday itself was a load of shit. Like we needed a day to show someone we loved them with candy hearts and giant bears that served absolutely no purpose, and don’t get me started on weddings…
“Sounds bloody ace.”
“Bloody ace? Is that all you have to say?” Adriana asked, frustrated with my British slang.
“What would you like me to say? Tying yourself to someone will guarantee you a lifetime of happiness. Weddings are magical.”
“You are such a jerk.”
“So I’ve been told.”
At this point my mother placed her hand over Adriana’s, trying to calm her down. I ordered a drink while I waited for them to change the subject, then I took out my cell and scrolled through my emails until my mother scolded me for my behavior…again.
“Alexander, this is not the man I raised you to be, nor the man I know and love. I know you have a tarnished view of marriage but that doesn’t excuse your rude behavior towards your sister.”
Here we go again. I grabbed some cash out of my pocket and threw it on the table. Walking away, I knew I hadn’t acted the way I should have, but I didn’t give a flying fuck. People could get married as long as I wasn’t involved in any way shape or form. The word marriage itself hit a nerve with me. It ruined everything, it ruined people.
Back at my hotel, I buried myself in work until the night fell. This is what my life had become—working round the clock, not knowing when the day began or the night set in. I traveled all over the world for business, not once taking a vacation. I isolated myself, losing contact with old friends. Relationships weren’t for me. I fucked when I needed to let off steam and that was that. When a rare opportunity for
peace presented itself, I sat with a bourbon in my hand. Those were the moments I dreaded the most; they brought my failures to the surface and allowed me to think of the past. I wasn’t that Alexander anymore. He was buried the day I left Carmel. I was Lex Edwards, CEO of the Lexed group. I controlled everything in my life and thrived on the power I had. No one told me what to do. I lived my life exactly how I wanted. Everything in my life made sense now; everything was perfect. Except for one minor thing: I was fucking miserable.
Chapter 3
“Are you daydreaming about all the hot sex you’re going to have tonight while I drool over juiceheads on the new season of Jersey Shore?” Eric asked as he sat on an office chair, spinning himself around like a five-year-old.
“Tonight? What’s tonight?”
“Uh, duh, your six month anniversary...with Julian at that fancy restaurant.” He sighed.
“Oh shit, I completely forgot! What the hell am I going to wear?” I wondered out loud.
“That little red number you bought last week, the one that accentuates your ass, and anyway what’s with you? You’ve been acting weird today.”
I was slightly taken aback by his comment. “Weird as in how?”
“As in I need a good bang in my cooch but even with that big dick inside me my mind is elsewhere kind of weird.”
“Wow E, you really like to paint a picture, don’t you?”
“When it involves Batman and his giant dick, I’m all about painting pictures…lots of mental pictures.”
“Okay, when did I ever say he had a giant dick?”
“You never denied it...”
“I never confirmed it either!” I said, laughing, then I continued, “For the record I’m not commenting on size, but I am plenty satisfied. Now scoot! I need to get ready for this date I almost forgot about.”
I sensed his nervousness. The constant tap of his foot under the table was driving me to distraction, his hands clutching the napkin with a tight grip that turned his knuckles white. His smile was genuine yet something was off. Letting out a sigh, I suspected he was experiencing the “itch.” The six month itch: I read about it in an article in Cosmo. Men generally get more comfortable around this time in their relationships, yet others get the itch. The itch to change what has become familiar. It’s common, and why should I have expected anything different? Except Julian was different; he was amazing. He was the pinup boy of the man your daddy wanted you to marry. He treated me with respect and kindness and I loved the time I spent with him. I thought it was going somewhere, especially after the exchange of ‘I love you’ last week.